6 min readNov 2, 2020


By S.W.M.

A mystery untold.

What is the Alchemy ?

Alchemy in the Middle Ages was a mixture of science, philosophy, and mysticism. … At the heart of medieval alchemy was the idea that all matter was composed of four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. With the right combination of elements, it was theorized, any substance on earth might be formed.

The origins of alchemy can be traced back 2,000 years before Newton to the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Even though alchemical tradition often states that the founding father of the practice was Hermes Trismegistus, it is very difficult to tie the root of alchemy to any one person. On the other hand, it is much more likely that the first proto-alchemists were Egyptian metalworkers, who would have worked with several different types of metal. It was gold that had the most value, therefore many focused their attention on this precious metal.

Even to Newton in the 17th century, alchemy was an archaic art with hundreds of texts available for him to study. But Newton was not the first to turn to alchemy in order to find what he was looking for, and was in fact one of the last in a long line of alchemists who sought to use the art for the purpose of discovering remarkable secrets.

The renowned English mathematician, astronomer and natural philosopher, Sir Isaac Newton, observed a light ray entering a prism, and from this experience he made a brilliant discovery about light and colour; that white light is made up of a spectrum of several colours. Newton was fascinated with light, and believed that it had a close relationship to the concept that the early modern scientist knew as ‘the vegetable spirit.’


writings of Imam gahzali

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century, the Islamic conquests made the Arabic civilisation one of the chief powers of the world.

. It is often thought that the term ‘alchemy’ was actually created in this period, because it combined the word Khem with the Arabic definite article al-, such as in the words alcohol and algebra. Furthermore, the key to immortality — which was just as important to alchemists as gold creation — is known as the elixir of life, from the Arabic word ‘al-iksir’.

The primary mission of ancient and Medieval alchemists was finding the way to create gold and the elixir of life.

Out of all the alchemy elements the CRYSTAL OF ALCHEMY also know as the Philosopher’s Stone is most exciting of them.

What is the philosopher’s stone?

One of the most important materials that occupied the minds of the most famous scientists throughout history is the Philosopher’s Stone. Have you ever heard of magic powder? Of course, myths and science fiction movies are circulating, but it is not as legendary as you think! Follow us to find out what the story of the Philosopher’s Stone and Magic Powder
From the Middle Ages, to the late seventeenth century, the Philosopher’s Stone was the desired goal in the world of alchemy (alchemy). According to the myths, the philosopher’s stone is a substance that can convert ordinary metals, such as iron, zinc, lead, copper, and nickel, into precious metals such as gold and silver. It is also considered a giver of life, it can heal diseases, rejuvenate, and all these amazing properties have been taken up by myths throughout the ages.
The Philosopher’s Stone is not necessarily a stone, it is a powder or another type of material, so the well-known name for it, as we have heard, is powder.
Many enlightened minds have undertaken the task of searching behind the truth of the Philosopher’s Stone over the centuries. Among these scholars was the famous father of chemistry Jabir bin Haiyan, Imam Al-Ghazali and Roger Boyle as well as the great scientist Isaac Newton scholars of their great efforts that are immortal to this day.

The importance of research behind the philosopher’s stone.

Scientists’ desire to find the truth of the matter, made them open their laboratories and test many unknown materials at the time to identify their properties and interactions in order to be able to find anything about the Philosopher’s Stone, which indirectly led to the discovery of many important matters in the world of chemistry, physics and mythology by pure chance, And here was the hidden strength of the command. As they sought to know a specific matter, they discovered many scientific theories and facts in the various branches of science that we have benefited from so far.

Scientist’s efforts to uncover the order of the Philosopher’s Stone.

Scientists throughout the ages had believed in the power of supernatural powder, and they exerted strenuous efforts to find the truth about it, and therefore they used some known metals in their experiments to reach a rewarding result, and these minerals were iron, copper, tin, and lead, and they used the heating process. In a glass crucible in the shape of a pear fruit, and this crucible was called the Philosopher’s Egg, or called Hermes.

Scientists have studied the many stages of color change very carefully in order to use this change to reveal the truth about these materials. Scientists have found that if the mineral turns black; That this indicates the death of the metal entering into the experiment, and if the color turned white; This is an indication that the metal has turned into silver, and if the metal has changed color to red; This means turning the metal into gold.
All these efforts made by scientists to manufacture the Philosopher’s Stone were known at the time as Magnum Apus, and this is a Latin word meaning great work.

After continuing to research the matter and discovering the matter from scholars, many of them wrote many secret books that were not published at the time, because converting metals into silver and gold was a felony, so the matter remained a secret and was dealt with by myths and made it a great material to interest readers and viewers to this day.

The role of the great scientist Isaac Newton in uncovering the Philosopher’s Stone

Sir Isaac wrote more than a million words on the Order of the Philosopher’s Stone, and after his death in 1727, the royal community decided that these writings were inappropriate for publication. His papers were rediscovered in the mid-twentieth century, and most scholars concede that he was the greatest alchemist
As for these writings that were buried, they were revealing his secret recipe for the invention of the philosopher’s stone, and the document revealed the method of preparing mercury, and it was written in the Latin language, and when its title was translated, preparing mercury for the philosopher’s stone was the preparation of mercury was the first step in making the philosopher’s stone. Through all these attempts and discoveries, they arrived at what we are now in terms of theories and laws, so the strength of the philosopher’s stone lay in what we gained from behind it, and there are many secret codes and codes that history has not revealed yet, but what scholars have agreed upon is that the philosopher’s stone is its strength. The supernatural was not directly, but what happened indirectly in the formation of the most important science today.


is a potion that supposedly grants the drinker eternal life and/or eternal youth. This elixir was also said to cure all diseases.





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